On our last day in Asheville, we awoke to gloomy grey skies and decided that if we were going to be outdoors, we had better do it sooner rather than later. There was a chill to the air and I tried to embrace the cool air instead of wish it away, but I found myself … Continue reading “Asheville: Craggy Gardens”
Category: Favorite Places
Asheville: Shopping & Eating
Favorite Places, by lauren, September 17, 2015, 1 ReplyOne of our favorite parts of Asheville is the city life, which is why we stayed in a house close enough to enjoy the downtown and West Asheville spots. And though we’ve been through this song and dance before, I figured I’d give a short list of our favorite shops and restaurants in Asheville this … Continue reading “Asheville: Shopping & Eating”
Asheville: Laurel Creek
Favorite Places, by lauren, September 16, 2015, Leave a ReplyOne thing we’ve learned about our children (and most children, I suspect), is how happy they are when met with the following elements: flowing water in which to play, rocks to scamper across and collect, a bit of sunshine, and plenty of unhurried, un-rushed unstructured time. We made a point of slowing down one day … Continue reading “Asheville: Laurel Creek”
Emil and the Hose
Family, by lauren, September 14, 2015, Leave a ReplyWhen spraying off your feet after playing in the creek requires complete nudity, followed by an elaborate game of Star Wars, in which the hose becomes a lightsaber, and a little boy becomes a ferocious warrior… you may be in the mind of a four-year-old Emil. Oh, Emil. Thank you for sparing me. And the … Continue reading “Emil and the Hose”
Asheville: The Straw Bale House
Favorite Places, by lauren, September 14, 2015, 4 RepliesWe have just returned from a week-long* trip to Asheville, NC and boy was it a great trip! We visited this magical city nearly a year ago and fell in love with the misty mountain mornings, the cool fresh air, the sounds and sights of nature, and the copious waterfalls and beauty everywhere. After a … Continue reading “Asheville: The Straw Bale House”