What’s so funny, you ask? Milo’s girth, apparently.This morning was his 3-month check-up, where the pediatrician proceeded to administer three shots, a rotovirus vaccine, and his professional opinion. After weighing & measuring length and head circumference, we learned the following: Milo now weighs 18 pounds (he is off the charts for 3-month-olds), has a head … Continue reading “Oh boy… BIG boy!”
Category: Uncategorized
Milo’s First Thanksgiving
Uncategorized, by lauren, November 26, 2007, 1 ReplyI guess I need to post a picture of me with Milo since Andrew has made me seem somewhat freakish to those who haven’t seen me in a while. So, here we are. Our trip to Ohio went very well, considering we left at 9pm on Tuesday night when Milo fell asleep. Andrew and I … Continue reading “Milo’s First Thanksgiving”
Get a glimpse of Lauren
Uncategorized, by andrew, November 19, 2007, 4 RepliesWith Lauren always behind the camera, you probably are wondering how she handled pregnancy. Good news – Lauren was able to return to normal within just a few months.
Fun and Games
Uncategorized, by lauren, November 19, 2007, 2 RepliesAnother successful cousin visit! Not only did the cousins enjoy each other, the brothers (Andrew and Ryan) proved their manliness by successfully unclogging a sink drain while flexing their muscles and grunting. Much was accomplished, including more poking and lots of kisses (open-mouthed, cousin kisses… I think we have a problem)… The introduction of mechanized … Continue reading “Fun and Games”
Bald and Beautiful?
Uncategorized, by lauren, November 17, 2007, 1 ReplyI regret to inform you that this morning I discovered that Milo is slowly but surely going bald. When I lifted him out of his crib this morning, it appeared that a shedding cat had been sleeping under his head… but to make matters worse, I am joining him. Alas, the inevitable post-pregnancy hair loss … Continue reading “Bald and Beautiful?”