The Nut House

DIY Fun, by lauren, July 15, 2016, 9 Replies

The day before Andrew left for Iceland, he and the boys created a Lego Band called The Nut House. The members: Johnny Cashew, Master P-Nut, Kenny Chestnut, Greg Almond. Runners-up: Gwen Pecan-y, A-Korn, and The Walnut Flowers. Your turn. Ready… GO!


Books, by lauren, May 24, 2016, 2 Replies

This is Not a Book, by Jean Jullien This is, indeed, a book. But it’s so much more than that! It’s a sturdy board book with few words; instead, each time a child turns a page, he finds a new imaginative take on the two-page spread. Emil, who is the most imaginative little guy, loves … Continue reading “Reading…”