Weaving… and Politics



This past weekend was a little bit crazy-making. The boys had off school on Friday for an ice storm, then Monday for the holiday, which would have been fine if it hadn’t been cold, rainy, and too muddy to do much of anything outdoors. For the most part, to be fair, these three have an amazing ability to keep themselves occupied for hours on end; they draw, organize, play Legos, stack themselves into human pyramids in the living room only to crumple into a fit of giggles over and over again. They read, do chores (this time enticed by money to go outdoors in the rain to collect bucket after bucketful of gum tree balls from our lawn and our neighbors’ lawns), and find all sorts of creative outlets for their energy and growing minds.

Honestly, it is my own struggle to remain indoors for four days straight. I have used the fresh air and woods to give me perspective and clear my mind during a time I feel so shaken, so angry, so sad. I have felt an intense dread and uneasiness building that has everything to do with the impending inauguration of the toxic, hateful man our country has voted into power. I have stopped listening to the news during the day, stopped attempting to wrap my mind around it, as every time I see a picture of his face my stomach turns, my mind whirls. HOW?! How can this be happening? How can this be okay with so many? And yet, there is nothing I can write here that hasn’t already been written. I am immensely worried about the human rights that will be ripped away, for the gap of inequality to broaden, about the hate spewed from mouths of those emboldened by more hate.

I recently read something that made a tremendous amount of sense to me. It was a reaction to a huge part of the country’s disbelief in the nomination of he-who-shall-not-be-named. Those who voted for him retort, Those elitist liberals are living in a bubble. The reaction was something along the lines of this: What if the people who live in the biggest, most diverse cities (ultimately those who voted Democratic this election), those who are exposed to a wide range of people from varying races, ethnicities, religions, sexual orientations… what if they are not the ones who are “living in a bubble?”

I hope that the next four years are tempered by the hard work of the people who believe in equal rights, in coming together, in fighting for what’s right, in kindness and understanding and standing up and speaking out.


And here are my children, my hope for the future, growing and learning here within our safe, comfortable home, protected in large part by their privilege, which we discuss at length. I hope to teach them how to be good, how to be fair, how to see the people of the world with love and kindness and openness.


If you are able to join the Women’s March on Washington, to bring women together and show unity for women’s and other marginalized groups, register here. Or find a local sister march here. If you are local in St. Louis, the march will begin on Saturday, January 21st, at Union Station, from 9am to noon.

In addition, show your support to the following (among other) organizations:

ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union)

Center for Reproductive Rights

Earth Justice

EJI (Equal Justice Initiative)

CAIR (Council on American-Islamic Relations)

The Trevor Project

Hang in there. We need each other right now.

13 thoughts on “Weaving… and Politics”
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  1. Thank you so much! I cannot imagine how it must be for all of you in the US – but even for me [Germany], the idea of four years under the new president makes me cringe, fear for human rights, and sometimes despair. This will not only affect the US, but will have a huge impact on the whole world, especially considering the looming close relationship between Russia. Together with all those trends towards nationalist, isolationist, right-wing politics here in Europe, what with the AfD here in Germany, or Brexit, all that’s going on in Poland, Hungary, Turkey, Netherlands and France, it makes me really afraid of what will become. But I refuse to give up and will continue to fight for equality, tolerance and democracy. Every time somebody in the US posts something like you did, it gives me hope. So thank you again, you have helped me to not give in to my fear today.

    1. Fine – I agree with you. I do believe that many of the domestic issues at stake here will be pushed and pulled, but ultimately will be sorted out, and I’m optimistic that we will be able to recover from any setbacks. It is the global impact that fills me with dread. He has already opened the door (doors!) for us to be tested, and we will be tested, no doubt about it. We are all connected in this, and I’m equally dismayed to see these nationalist trends here in our country. Be assured that there are many, many people ready for the fight ahead here in this country.

      Lauren, I find myself struggling with this conversation around “bubbles” as well. That’s an interesting way to look at it, for sure. I’m bolstered by so many amazing people in this region who are doing the work, and are making a difference. Looking for the light everywhere. Today feels so heavy.

      1. Yes—I worry about international politics tremendously. I fear that other leaders with even fewer checks in place from constituencies and other government branches will be emboldened. And what of the business dealings abroad that might compromise the citizens elsewhere in the name of appealing to our president? It’s overwhelming how many things frighten me about this administration. I am completely overwhelmed.

        Lauren, I love this:
        “What if the people who live in the biggest, most diverse cities (ultimately those who voted Democratic this election), those who are exposed to a wide range of people from varying races, ethnicities, religions, sexual orientations… what if they are not the ones who are ‘living in a bubble?’

        I hope that the next four years are tempered by the hard work of the people who believe in equal rights, in coming together, in fighting for what’s right, in kindness and understanding and standing up and speaking out.”

        Thank you!

    2. Fine, Thank you so much for that! I often wonder (with dread and plenty of embarrassment) what this all looks like to the rest of the world. We are raising our sons as global citizens, not nationalists or isolationists. It is good to realize that people want peace, they want tolerance. I think a lot of that shined through in the many women’s marches across the country on Saturday. Peace to you, and thank you for taking the time to write here!

    1. Hi Ashley!

      I wish I could take credit for the boys’ weaving, but they were introduced at their school. I think they started with simple finger knitting, then seeing their interest, I picked up a beginner’s loom for hats at Michael’s: http://www.michaels.com/knit-quick-knitting-loom-set/10356126.html#pmpt=qualifying&start=6

      Be sure to use thicker yarn if you do this! I do recommend it. It’s very relaxing! The loom seen above is this one: http://www.michaels.com/lion-brand-martha-stewart-crafts-diy-weaver-extender-kit/10482772.html#pmpt=qualifying&start=19

      My older boys have no problem making hats all by themselves, but Emil, who is 5, still needs some help and gets frustrated. I’d say, depending on their dexterity (which varies kid to kid) you could introduce it at five or six, but seven is really when they can do it start to finish independently!

  2. I’m feeling all of this. And I’m marching on Saturday. I heard someone say that we’ll get out of this, but we won’t get out of it unscathed and we have yet to know what the extent of the damage will be, or how hard it will be to undo it.

    While I do believe in reaching out and attempting to bridge divides, I also think that we do need to find like-minded communities and friends to keep us hopeful.

  3. I grew up in a rural area about an hour outside of Atlanta. My hometown is mostly white and largely conservative/religious. I graduated early so I could move to the city and feel less like a black sheep for not believing homosexuality was a sin. I’ve lived in the city for the past twelve years and I can tell you when I go visit my hometown, it’s still not diverse or celebratory of anything other than religious and conservative views. So yes, I’d completely agree that those that live in cities are not the ones in bubbles. I talk to people from many different countries and backgrounds on a daily basis and it’s broadened my worldview and empathy in return, something I see severely lacking outside of the city limits. In my state, the rural areas tend to view Atlanta as a “cesspool full of violence” though many of them have never been here.

    1. Thank you, Katie! Such an interesting perspective comes from knowing both sides of the coin. I try to understand what desperation comes from getting to the point that THAT vote looked like a good one to someone. I really appreciate your perspective.

  4. Lauren, I just wanted to let you know that I share the same sentiments as you!! I have been feeling so sad, shaken, disappointed, disgusted, angry, scared. You name it. We moved to Kentucky a year and a half ago and I think it came at a tough time given that I put in a lot of effort to make new friends and neighbors and now post election I am realizing that we voted differently and so in many cases we just don’t see things the same way or we must not share the same values. I am not into politics but this election was about so much more than politics- it was about morals and learning from history too. It truly is a trying time.

  5. Just sending my support and agreement that these are scary times. On engaging with “the other side” – thus far, I have found it to be impossible. My conservative parents voted for Hillary, because they read widely, think deeply, know their history, and have common sense and a good read on people (in other words, they recognize a narcissistic demagogue when they see one). So it’s not “conservatives” so much that I have trouble relating to. This is a whole other group coming into power, a group that eschews science, logic, facts…it’s impossible to have a productive conversation when someone says, “Well, I read this on Breitbart, so it’s obviously a FACT.” I feel like I’m banging my head against the wall. Anyway, sending out love and light and hope for the future. Focusing on educating my kids and learning from their open-minded approach to the world. The March was inspiring; we need to stick together.

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