A Winslow’s Dinner


This weekend, Andrew had to buckle down and do a lot of writing for a grant and a proposal for work. Knowing we would not be able to lolly-gag and hang around together like we have been lately on these days, we decided that Friday night we would walk to Winslow’s Home and treat the boys (and ourselves) to dinner. I had been feeling rather cooped-up this week. I had forgotten how house-bound we can become with a baby in the winter. This was just the thing for a cooped-up momma!


Brisket sandwiches with horseradish sauce and melted brie- divine!


Grilled peanut butter and jelly sandwich with Granny Smith apple slices

(And thanks for the sweater for Milo, Ingrid! He loves it!)


Playing “Earthquake” with Pop


I could spend hours browsing the displays here. We live a few blocks away, so I come here probably once a week. Once I think I have seen everything, I spot something new and cool! It is truly our neighborhood’s little general store… with everything you might need at the last minute… including local organic eggs, milk, and produce!


*Poor little guy seemed fine last night, then spiked a fever and has been pretty miserable and pathetic all weekend… guess all three are finally sharing something!*

The walk is one of the best parts of coming here. I love the look of the five of us, walking hand-in-hand (or hand-in-stroller) past the elementary school where we plan to send our boys, down the winding sidewalk next to the bigger houses in the neighborhood, down the steep curving hill beside the church, and finally across the main street. All together. It is dark when we leave, but the street lamps light the way.

On the walk back home, Oliver asks for a “pickie-uppie” and Andrew hoists him up onto his shoulder, warm cheek to warm cheek, “I love you, Pop,” with his hands tucked underneath his belly against Andrew’s chest. “Oh, love you too, Oliver!”


When we return home, we peak in from the outside, through paper snowflakes taped to dirty windows. Our cozy home. And it is enough for a lifetime of Fridays.




7 thoughts on “A Winslow’s Dinner”
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  1. What a cute family you have! Your kids are adorable and what great style they have!!! Looks like you guys know how to have fun… I’m going to have to try those scooters boards, although I’m not sure our appartememt is big enough! Thanks so much for passing by my blog and for the good vibes. I’m looking forward to reading your blog and maybe trying out some recepies, although cooking is not quite my thing!lol have a great Sunday ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. What a perfect Friday night. Dylan and I would LOVE to have a place like Winslow’s in our neighborhood. I can see why you go weekly! Those brisket sandwiches.. wow, YUM!! Hope you’re enjoying your Sunday! We are off to Sonoma and San Franciso in the morning so I’ll catch up on your posts when I get back! (sidenote: you’ve been SO good about doing regular posts lately, unlike myself…)

  3. It’s so great to be able to walk places… we can’t really do that anymore and I do miss it. Your home looks happy, cozy, and wonderful… I want to go in and take a nap! Hope the little guy feels better soon.

  4. laughs… i love the spam protection. i sit here tapping my fingers on the desk to count or nod my head while adding imaginary pegs. it reminds me of old school days that were so carefree. i love these photos lauren and what a homely spot to visit not far from your own. you guys seriously have the most adorable family & that food looks scrumptious…picture perfect!

  5. First, i’m bringing my family for a visit to have a date with your family at Winslow’s. Seriously, stop writing about it, woman…you got me all kinds of jealous. Second, after our visit, I’m opening my own Winslow’s here, because we desperately need a place worthy of a casual hangout/dinner/etc. Third, why is your house so spotless? Jealous, again…damnit.

  6. Hi Lauren, thanks for stopping by my blog. These images are lovely and capture a warming family outing. I feel like I was invited and was strolling home with you with the novelty of enjoying a Northern hemisphere winter’s evening in the middle of a tropical summer.

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