Piano Man (Child)



Emil sure does like music! I was in the other room tidying up, when I heard the quietest little tinkering on the piano and snuck in to catch this young man creating a little song… after pushing the music crate over to the piano bench and climbing up, that is!


At nearly 15 months, Emil barely makes a peep. He still resists saying mama or papa, or juice or please, or any of the usual first words. But he is communicating in his own way, makes eye contact, points, and nods yes. So we’re not too worried. Plus, if he is the strong silent type, at least he loves music and sure does like to dance!


This weekend Andrew is out of town, but at least it’s no 5-day trip. He will be back on Monday, then will be able to take Wednesday off before Thanksgiving. I am looking forward to a quiet, relaxed holiday with just the five of us (six if you count the dog I suppose). I think we’ll keep the feast small, but you’d better believe I’ll be baking both pecan and pumpkin pie!

Here are a few links from around the web that I’ve been checking out lately:

Acorn spinning tops– how cute are these?!

Entry way envy

Wish I knew exactly what color her lipstick is!

Have been wanting to try this sandwich for breakfast!

Fascinating article on America’s assumptions about atheists: would you vote for an atheist?

Kick-ass cookies!

Happy weekend!


6 thoughts on “Piano Man (Child)”
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  1. He is getting so so big! As I mentioned, Wyatt was very slow to speak as well. He’s only just making some breakthrough’s. Also, I am obsessing over getting a real piano. Considering the size of our home and that neither on of us plays it might be ill advised, but my mother plays… so when she visits once a year it would really make sense πŸ™‚

    Sorry you are solo this week-end again, but you have a good break coming up!

  2. Go, Emil! I love when kids have access to musical instruments so early on. Who knows what all that plunking and plucking will unlock in their minds?

    And I know it wasn’t so much a question you were asking, and more of an article you were sharing, but I would totally vote for an atheist. Some of the most kind and moral people I’ve ever known are atheists, and I would have no problem with an atheist being a leader.

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