These Two


There’s something pretty great about watching your children become each other’s best friends. Sure, they have their moments of bickering, but for now, Milo and Oliver are very close. Though they are nearly two years apart, it seems to me that each passing year bridges the gap. Oliver is more mature than Milo was at his age socially. He can hang with Milo and his friends whenever we have a play date at our house (though he is usually the designated “bad guy,” whether or not he likes this idea).

When I found out that I was having another boy (Milo was only still a baby), I wondered what he would be like, what he would look like, but mostly, how would they get along? And when Oliver was born, there were so many amazing differences (both personality and appearance!) that I secretly worried that maybe they were so different that they would butt heads. I have been, thus far, pleasantly surprised. DSC_0008



I really can’t pinpoint the way it works. Milo is a million miles a minute; Oliver takes his sweeeeeeeet time. Milo climbs trees; Oliver wanders around under the branches. Milo has never been a cuddly guy; Oliver can’t get enough physical closeness. Milo lives through his body; Oliver through his imagination. They are two of the most opposite people I can imagine, yet they are thick as thieves. DSC_0016



A few nights ago, Andrew took Milo to a fired-up-for-kindergarten open house. It was scheduled for the boys’ bedtime, so Oliver and Emil stayed back with me. Oliver was a wreck without Milo at bedtime. They share a room, but I guess I didn’t realize how much comfort they receive from one another until they were separated. I went through the regular bedtime routine: jammies, toothbrush, potty, story (in Milo’s bed, as Oliver insisted), drink of water, and tuck-in. But Oliver was really, really disturbed by Milo’s absence.

I can’t sleep without Mah-low! Whe-w is he? 

After several sessions of comforting and putting Oliver back into his bed, reassuring him that Milo would be back soon, and that he should try to trick him by pretending to be asleep when he got home, Oliver finally fell asleep.

The next morning, Oliver awoke to Milo and was hugging him and loving him like they had been apart for weeks! Milo was so tender and sweet, saying Oh, Oliver! Did you miss me? I’m sorry I had to leave you behind. Next time maybe you can come to fired-up-for-kindergarten so you won’t be lonely for me. I had to choke back tears, let me tell you. I hope this closeness grows and strengthens. It is such an amazing thing to see. DSC_0029P.s.- Check out this video from long long ago of the beginning of all the brotherly love (and smothering). And have a wonderful weekend!

11 thoughts on “These Two”
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  1. Milo has amazing empathy for being 5, Oliver and Emil are lucky little bros. They are good foils for each other, Oliver keeps Milo down to earth while getting prodded out of his shell a bit. Anyway, I had to use this post just now as a parenting tactic of my own. Reina and Liam were grousing at each other when I read this to them and showed them the photos. Now they are playing in domestic bliss, thanks for that!

  2. Such a beautiful bond those two have. I think it probably helps that they’re so different, balance works. That video was adorable too, Milo must be younger than Wyatt and he’s so verbal- they are all completely different… I keep wondering what our new little one will add to the mix!

    Enjoy your weekend, it’s nice here today so I hope you guys are sharing in the wealth!

  3. Oh my gosh – that little Milo voice is so cute – and is version of Baa Baa Black Sheep! And baby Oliver!! This video is too precious.


  4. I love seeing this kind of interaction between brothers. So sweet. I worried that with the age difference between my 2 boys (over 4 years) that the little one would just be a bother to my oldest. It’s quite different than what I expected actually. They play & get along together so well.
    It’s so great watching these relationships develop, isn’t it?


  5. What a sweet bond they share! I’m expecting my second son in September, and I’ve also wondered if they will get along. This makes me hope for the very best! 🙂

  6. It’s so weird and magical how two people, born of same parents, raised in the same house can just turn out to be total opposites. It’s one of those lovely mysteries of the universe.

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