This Week







DSC_0037With cool, sunny, beautiful weather nearly all week long came new adventures. Emil grows older, more precocious, and slowly more verbal. Plus, a major bonus: He slept through the night on Tuesday for the first time EVER! Yeah. He’s 20 months old.

Another of Emil’s recent accomplishments: running into the house and up to me as quick as lightening to tell me in halted toddler-ese: “DOG POOP!” to which he ran back outside, looking over his shoulder for me to follow him, back to the place in the yard where he had spotted it.

He then handed me a shovel.

Andrew and I enjoyed beautiful weather on Monday for our sixth anniversary (and we also shared a Three Philosopher’s, which, if you haven’t had it, is a real treat!). He grilled some delicious salmon and we ate outdoors with music blasting out the open back door, remembering this piece of the upcoming summertime that we love so much.

Spring, albeit late this year, has been a true spring; rainy, mostly cool, with bursts of sunshine and warmer air in the afternoons, which makes it perfect for long walks after the boys are back from preschool and fed. As soon as Emil wakes up from his nap, we have been staying outside for most of the afternoon.

But 4:00 or 4:30 rolls around and wham! Every single day these boys are all melting down. And come to think of it, so am I. I have been trying to figure out how to deal, because something is just not working. They are tired, bickering, hungry, and mischievous all at once. Maybe we need a routine activity to break up this problem-time. Yesterday was the first success. As soon as the meltdowns started, I put them all in the car with little snacks of apple slices to run a quick errand. I told them in advance: we are going for a drive. We are going to roll the windows down, listen to good music, and sing along. There will be no crying and whining. And you know what? It worked!

I hope you have a wonderful weekend. We are itching to get that fence in, and maybe get some veggies planted, depending on how far we get! Wish us luck!

9 thoughts on “This Week”
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  1. I love all these pictures SO much. They are so spring-y and such a breath of fresh air. Winter was so long and hard. We all deserve this spring so much! And yes! to the outdoors with music blaring. Spent most of yesterday in the yard with The Rolling Stones and this morning has been all Ryan Adams. It is GOOD. I just told Craig that I’m really just starting to get a taste of how good life is going to be here now that we’re able to get ourselves outside. All hail spring!

  2. Happy belated anniversary!
    Shawn worked at the Ommegang Brewery when we were in college. Needless to say, we drank way too much Ommegang back then- perks!
    Have a great weekend.

  3. Happy Anniversary!

    Do you still co-sleep with Emil? I may have missed a post about transitioning him to a crib, or maybe not. I am co-sleeping withy baby, and I’m already worried about transitioning him to a crib. I think I will start this sooner rather than later!
    This post was lovely. Happy Spring!

  4. Happy anniversary! Ours is right around the corner. Sounds like a successful week! Sleeping through the night, celebrating, and averting meltdown time. Great job!

  5. Dinner outside sounds so perfect. We’ve done a few outdoor lunches but it’s still been to chilly in the evenings, I can’t wait! You guys are all looking so happy and ‘in your element’ with the nice weather… and it’s only just begun, hurray!

  6. I loved seeing all of these little snippets of your day-to-day. Spring is so good and so needed. I know some people prefer to spend all of their days indoors regardless of the weather, but those are some souls I will never understand. My soul would wither away without those warm rays on my face and bare feet on the earth. Enjoy it all, the season has just begun! ๐Ÿ™‚

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