On Marriage

DSC_0004Today is our 7th wedding anniversary. We joke about the “Seven Year Itch,” even though we have been together for 15 years, so I guess we have technically made it past the itchy part. Recently we have been through the ringer emotionally- the hospitalization was really scary for us and stretched us to our limits in some surprising ways. And then it did something amazing; all the worry, all the heartache, all the stress took us to the next level somehow. Just when I thought it wasn’t possible, we became even closer. I know it sounds cheesy, but there is something really special and amazing about this man, and I am fantastically lucky to have him as my partner. DSC_0005

DSC_0007Here are some things Andrew has taught me about marriage so far:

Laughter makes just about everything better. I tend to take myself too seriously! Andrew has taught me that if we can laugh at each other and ourselves, or a crappy situation, we can get through it together. And this counts in really morbid situations too… we tend to keep this to ourselves so we don’t offend anyone!

Communication is key. I know this is a given, but really. We are two different people with two different experiences of the same situation, and we often have different opinions on top of that! We talk. A lot.

Don’t stop doing those things you did at the beginning of the relationship- the little notes, texts, phone calls, emails, practical jokes, surprises, etc. Those things are small and take little effort but make a huge difference in how special and cared for you make the other person feel. Andrew is so much better at doing this than I am (I’m working on it!). And make time for dates. They are so important!

DSC_0008I love this man to the moon and back, a million times over. Happy Anniversary, my love! Here’s to 50 more!

13 thoughts on “On Marriage”
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  1. Happy anniversary!!! Mine is tomorrow and I have been writing a nearly identical post. I swear that laughter is the key to a good marriage.
    I’m so glad that your hospitalization had such a positive upshot. Almost made it worth it??

  2. Happy Anniversary to you, Lauren and Andrew!!! You make an amazing couple – in so many ways!

    Love you both,

  3. NO way! Its your anniversary!? Well Happiest of Anniversaries to you and Andrew. All of us who know you are better people for being around you both and sharing just little snippets of your adventure together. Hope to know you both when you’re old and hunched over!

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