Garden Harvest


These pictures were taken over a week ago, but are so relevant! We are reaping the benefits of all the hard work in planting and tending to this garden, in building back up and  re-fencing, in careful removal of cabbage butterfly larvae from the undersides of huge kale leaves. From encouraging toads to take up residence (Milo feeds a big one he named “Big Mama” and she has since had babies!) to eat the slugs and snails that like our strawberries, to trimming back foliage to encourage fruit growth, we have been busy in that green green place. And now, it shows! DSC_0027DSC_0057DSC_0030DSC_0058We harvest on average 4 cucumbers a day now, plus a handful of green beans a day, about 4 peppers per week (and if you were wondering, the purple variety tastes just like green peppers — I was expecting something closer to red peppers I think!), and massive amounts of beets, kale, and spinach. Our tomatoes are all still green, but massive. I’m just biding my time for those!

Also, I wanted to re-share the link to one of our favorite summer recipes: Briana’s Creamy Tomatillo & Avocado Sauce. I pinned this one way back in early March and promised myself I would try it. Well, folks, it’s a winner! The only modification I used was sour cream instead of mayo, but it is fantastic. So far, we’ve used it as a dip for our garden veggies above, a dressing on raw kale salad with bacon and cucumbers and tomatoes, and it is AMAZING on top of a burger with cheddar (the recipe I posted earlier this week). Amazing. So try it, and thank you again, Briana!

7 thoughts on “Garden Harvest”
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  1. This is so awesome, the heady vibrant luscious summer bounty! I seriously want to pick your brain for vegetable gardening basics! Or maybe you’ve done some how to posts in the past? I said once before I would look and read up but you know how it gets, very limited computer time. I think next summer might be our moment to really work hard on a garden, with both girls walking and bug enough to “help” not to mention real the important benefits! I love how your boys are growing up so entrenched in the garden that it will be second nature to them!

  2. Heather! I’m so glad you are interested. I’ve never done a post on how to get started, but it’s a really good idea! I’m going to be completely off-grid for the next 8 days or so (I have some posts already lined up, but won’t have access to computer or email or phone) but after that I will work on something. I think it’s wonderful that you want to learn how to do this. 🙂

  3. I am in awe when I look at this garden bounty! Mine is not quite there yet, this year is hard juggling a full time job while trying to have a successful garden. The peppers look absolutely beautiful.

  4. Your garden is looking great, I need to put more time into our’s! It’s moving along, but pests are always the problem I don’t have the hours (or know-how) to combat.

    So excited to hear about your adventure. I am crazy curious how it’s all going!!

  5. Holy lettuce batman. Your garden is UH-Mazing! Just found your blog and am loving it. My daughter starts montessori in the Fall and I definitely want to bring it into the home as well. Excited to follow along.

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