Weekend Shenanigans


This weekend… let me be honest, it was one of those rare weekends when I just wasn’t feeling it. All day Saturday I struggled to find an ounce of energy, and the boys were whiney and needy. None of us really felt up for anything, despite the fact that we are all physically well. I have to admit that it was a drag, and I ended up sound asleep at 8:30pm! For a family who is used to having adventure and action, it definitely threw us all off! But some days are like that. You trudge through, try not to snap at each other, and wake up the next morning determined to find a better attitude. DSC_0119DSC_0127DSC_0123


… And luckily, we did. But looking back, it wasn’t all that bad. We did a lot of laying around, reading, sorting bottle caps, reading some more, and major organizing. Interspersed was some cooking and playgrounding and fun with neighbors. We got a head start on our master bedroom project (I won’t call it a remodel, as we are only changing a few things and no walls will be coming down or anything — but I’m excited to get started nonetheless), made things easy with a yummy taco night, and spent much-needed family time in-between Andrew’s travels. DSC_0035DSC_0058DSC_0061DSC_0063

Emil cracked us up all weekend. He talked to his little train and bunny constantly, and during taco night, silently got up from the table, carried his drink, plate, napkin, and fork into his little play house outside, closed the door and windows, and sat down for a private dinner for one. I have no idea what goes on in that head of his, but it sure is amusing to observe. DSC_0068DSC_0073DSC_0085

On Sunday we redeemed ourselves by taking a trip to explore a new playground (Faust Park — it was great!) and spotting a water snake in the pond. The boys put on a “trick show” in our back yard which included brave leaps off of high places. We listened to classical music for hours while cool breezes blew through open windows, strong enough to move our curtains aside and gently sway indoor plants. It was a gorgeous day. DSC_0086DSC_0092DSC_0103DSC_0110And now, on Monday, we look forward to the true beginning of fall, my favorite season. Bring on the pumpkin everything! Happy Monday.

2 thoughts on “Weekend Shenanigans”
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  1. Lazy days need to happen. Much deserved. I love Emil taking his plate to his own little spot… Such independence and it makes me think because I’m pretty strict about the kids staying seated at the table until we are all done (I don’t think W would ever have been able to sneak away… poor kid!).

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