Weekend Shenanigans


This weekend felt like a true introduction to fall. The sound of our radiators kicking in all night was a comforting, familiar reminder of what the season holds: cozy evenings by the fireplace and mornings tucked under warm blankets on our much-too-small couch (we’re currently looking for one we can all fit onto at once). Andrew returned from a three-day conference a bit early on Saturday evening, which was a wonderful surprise, so the weekend felt prolonged. Sunday we spent mostly together, save for the time I took Milo to circus class.

Also on Sunday, Emil and Oliver became a bit exclusionary, calling dibs on the only two sleeping bags in the house, holing up on the guest bed, and refusing access to anyone else. Milo’s face says it all:DSC_0023

But don’t feel sorry for him just yet. That kid is getting some top notch attention at circus class, where he is practicing for his December show with his acrobatics partner. Their routine is a huge challenge, demanding physically as well as mentally. So challenging, in fact, that I have the slightest worry that they won’t be ready (it’s only a month away!). But they are working so hard, I know they will pull it together and make it happen. His partner, by the way, is absolutely amazing and patient and strong and positive. She is a wonderful role model.


I’m so proud of them both, working hard during the difficult process of learning a new routine, trusting each other, and staying positive throughout.

It’s going to be a short school week for the boys, so I’m trying to get some writing done over the next few days. Wish me luck!

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