It was June


… And technically, it still is June… at least for a few more days. But my posts have become sparse and I feel that I owe you an explanation. What it all comes down to is energy. One only has so much of it, you know. And lately, my energy has been dwindling. Not that I don’t enjoy being pregnant for what is most likely the last time, but this has been, to put it bluntly, the most difficult of my pregnancies, and I look forward to its end. I think I have felt tired, nauseous, grumpy and impatient for the better part of a YEAR now. It is almost time to feel like myself again. Somewhere around 5 to 7 weeks from now, I hope that is the case! The waiting game is definitely on.

But for now, this is what we have been up to. Weddings have been our primary source of travel as a family, and now those are over for the time-being. We are staying put until the youngest of our young men arrives.


Milo enjoyed 3 weeks of summer camp and is now home for the rest of the summer with a whole lot of nothin’ planned, except some swim lessons that will hopefully keep him challenged and happy.



Andrew is enjoying time to do copious research projects and a new hobby or two, one of which involves the brewing of delicious beverages which I cannot yet enjoy.


And two particular brothers become closer friends by the minute, inventing all sorts of hair-brained schemes and troublesome tricks… most of which involve messy substances like bubble juice or the like.





And which ultimately end in nudity.


Happy June!

7 thoughts on “It was June”
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  1. I see your boys enjoy naked time as much as my kids. I don’t know how many times I have to tell them to stop jumping on the trampoline naked.

    I am sorry to hear that this pregancy has been so rough on the outside, but I know that on the inside you have done a fantastic job providing a great nurturing home for that new baby boy. I think it is okay to be looking foward to the end (espeically now that your in the home stretch). Plus, the sooner he comes out, the sooner you get to snuggle him in your arms, and that is just the sweetest!

    Best wishes to you and your little man clan.

  2. It’s great to see the pictures of Milo and Oliver. They are really growing fast and furious! You’ve given them such a good and loving life. The third little guy is SO lucky and I cannot wait to see him. It won’t be long, now. Just rest and enjoy your beautiful family, Lauren. Love to all.

  3. Hang in there lovey…you’re almost done! I feel for you…I felt the same with Greta’s pregnancy. The boys are too cute, and we miss them (and all of you) so much! Jamie was standing over my shoulder as I read this post. All of the sudden he said, “Is Andrew brewing beer? What the f**k?!” Someone’s a little jealous! Love to you all!

  4. Mary- tell Jamie not to get jealous just yet… Andrew’s first batch is looking a little… mysterious. We’ll see what happens in about a month when it’s finished!

  5. yay for a new post!! ๐Ÿ™‚ Sorry to hear this 3rd pregnancy has been rough, but you’re SO close now.. I can’t believe how big the boys are getting! I love all of the plants you guys keep around.. I can’t wait to have a yard. Also, can’t wait for Dylan to finally start up some home brewing too! You’ll have to let us know how successful Andrew is…
    Hi to all and be well! ๐Ÿ™‚

  6. Glad you had some energy left for this post!! Milo is getting soo tall. I love the nude pictures. Hang in there — you are in the homestretch!!!! Can’t wait to see Baby Boy Knight…have a great July 4th weekend!

  7. Pingback: Alexander

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