

I went for a run on Saturday evening. It was a survival run. Meaning: I had to do it to survive. Literally, guys. On the verge of a mental breakdown all day Saturday and I have no idea why. I just couldn’t shake the funk, so after dinner, I told Andrew that all of our lives depended on my running immediately. Without pushing a stroller.


I started running (really just jogging) again about a month ago, a few days a week, pushing the double jogging stroller with Oliver and Emil. But this was my first lone run in so long I can’t remember. It was f-ing amazing.


I ran like I was being chased. I ran away from that house so hard my heart was pounding in my temples and I must have looked like an absolute insane person or at least someone actually running for her life from a pack of blood-thirsty zombies. Or demons. Zombie-demons. I sprinted until I could barely catch my breath, then I pushed harder. I had no idea where I was going so I just went away.

I was gone a mere 20 minutes, but when I returned I was dripping in sweat, breathless. And cured. Sigh. I’m back. And I’m hooked.


See? Zombie-demons. I told you, didn’t I?

8 thoughts on “Zombie-Demons”
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  1. Sometimes carving out a little time and space all to yourself really does do wonders! I am not good at running… I can’t clear my head and I get bored or something but I love the idea of running. We actually just got back from watching the Boston marathon is crazy heat and man I have respect for those runners. I can’t believe you can run with a stroller (double no less) ever! I’ve tried and it’s so tough. Glad you got sone you time 🙂

  2. I’m so, so glad you commented on my blog today! When you commented a while ago I meant to pop over here but completely forgot. So happy to have found your space. And so jealous of your running. I’ve always wanted to be a runner and I’m just not! Glad you got some time to yourself. I certainly know the feeling!

  3. Rad! I love how head-clearing running is, even though I am woefully out of shape and running makes my chest feel as though it is imploding. Working on it though.

    This is going to make me sound crazypants, but I’m mostly okay with that: Sometimes when I run, my mind comes up with really dumb scenarios about zombies or combat or something, and I start formulating plans about what I would do right at that very second if a zombie stumbled out from behind the bushes that are in the neighbor’s yard. I really should never have watched season 1 of “Walking Dead” because I am constantly thinking of how to fortify our yard against a zombie attack. I know, crazypants.

    So cool that you were able to steal away for even 20 minutes and get that time to yourself. (Also, sorry for always writing freaking novellas in your comments section.)

  4. I recently told Jamie that I need to be “set free” to run at least 4 evenings a week….for my sanity more than anything! Glad that you were able to run without the kiddos! Running in “our” woods, with “The dog days are over” blaring in the headphones makes me feel like some kind of warrior woman!!!

  5. I know EXACTLY what you mean! I needed and did the same exact thing 2 nights ago…sometimes you just have to RUN AWAY. And then come home. Glad that you’re back in the runner’s saddle….. ha, that is so lame. You know what I mean.

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