Yummy Stuff: Banana Sour Cream Cupcakes


We often have the strangest banana situation around here. As in, we go through a ridiculous amount of bananas, but there always seem to be a few that go brown more quickly than anticipated and we are left with the ever-pressing question of what to do with the mushy bananas? There is banana bread of course (and this cinnamon swirl banana bread to boot), but on days when we need a special sweet treat, there are sour cream banana cupcakes with cream cheese and caramel frosting. Whew. What a name. It’s mostly from this recipe, but I changed up the frosting because I didn’t care for the sugary-sweet buttercream frosting from the original recipe. Plus, I added caramel- what’s not to love?


Sour Cream Banana Cupcakes with Cream Cheese and Caramel Frosting

**makes 12 cupcakes**

  • 2 very ripe bananas
  • 2/3 cup sugar
  • 1 egg
  • 1/2 cup sour cream
  • 2 Tbsp softened butter
  • 1 tsp. vanilla extract
  • 1/2 tsp. baking soda
  • 1 cup flour

For Frosting:

  • 1 8-oz package cream cheese, room temperature
  • 4 Tbsp. butter, room temperature
  • 2 1/2 cups confectioner’s sugar
  • 2 tsp vanilla extract
  • 2 Tbsp. melted prepared caramel (I used King’s Cupboard from Whole Foods)
Preheat oven to 375. Mash bananas in mixer, then add melted butter and sugar and blend well. Add egg, then sour cream and vanilla. After well-incorporated, sprinkle baking soda on top of mixture, then flour. Mix gently until just blended, being careful not to over-mix.
Scoop into muffin cups lined with paper or sprayed with cooking spray (hint: I just learned this tip: if using muffin papers, spray the inside of the papers before you add the batter and the cupcakes will not stick when you peel the paper back!) and bake for 20-25 minutes (mine came out perfect at 21 minutes but I suppose it all depends on your oven). Allow to cool completely before frosting.
For frosting: cream butter and cream cheese, then add vanilla and mix well. Add powdered sugar, continuing to mix until smooth. Note: this makes a lot of frosting- enough to frost two batches of these cupcakes just in case you decide to double the recipe- and if you do, add an extra half a banana at least. Mine turned out a bit dry when I doubled the recipe. Frost cupcakes, then drizzle with melted caramel. Enjoy!


What are you up to this weekend? We are super excited that Tower Grove Farmer’s Market is opening this weekend and will have a festival with all kinds of great music and food. We’re meeting up with some friends and hope to stay all morning. Plus, it’s supposed to be hot so the boys will probably spend the whole time dancing and playing in the water fountains. Hope you have a great weekend!

10 thoughts on “Yummy Stuff: Banana Sour Cream Cupcakes”
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  1. We have the same banana issue- we’re always running out then somehow have a few brown ones and I only eat them slightly green. These look so good! I haven’t made cupcakes in ages so I think it’s time. Have a good weekend and send some of that warm weather this way.

  2. Oh, these look fabulous, and I LOVE the butterfly plate they’re on in the first picture! Sounds like you will be having another busy and fun weekend…enjoy! Love you lots.

  3. Okay, Ina… When do you find the time?!? I picture you, wooden spoon in hand, cradling a bowl, with Emil underfoot & corraled in the kitchen…while Oliver & Milo play like mad men-?

  4. they’re also good with a bittersweet chocolate ganache topping. one of my most requested items when i used to bake. LOVE a good banana baked good, thanks for sharing.

  5. Angie- ha, ha! I usually bake while the boys are playing in the other room & the baby is napping. I can count on being interrupted at least 3 times, but luckily I never do anything too complicated!

    Whitney- I have no idea how to make chocolate ganache topping, but OMG that sounds amazing!

  6. These look soooo good and right up my alley with the terrible sweet tooth that I have. I can’t wait to make them for the grandkids!

  7. These look sooo good! Definitely going on the to-try list. We have that same banana situation every single week. Another thing you might try is making banana ice cream…. just chop up and freeze the overripe bananas, and once they’re good and frozen you stick them in a food processor and it’s AMAZING. The same consistency of slightly melted ice cream, and you can’t tell there’s nothing in there other than bananas. Of course, it’s even better if you add peanut butter and honey, or cocoa… 🙂

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