Brothers 3


This past weekend was a blur. After 3 days in Philadelphia, Andrew found himself stuck on a grounded plane for hours and hours before returning home exhausted at 1:30am. So on Saturday we were both in complete survival mode, each of us taking the kids for three hours at a time so the other could sleep. We would groggily pass each other in the exchange of the boys, vaguely aware of where we were or what day it was.

Sunday was much better.



While Andrew was out of town, I admit I was on the verge of tears more than two times. But  I held it together and even managed to have a lot of fun with the boys. The whole experience led me to the following conclusions: I am not a perfect parent; I do not function well on little sleep; and three boys is a lot of boys.

I don’t know how it was for Andrew’s mom (he is the youngest of three boys very close in age), but I am kind of in awe of her right now. Her ability to stay positive and playful while raising them baffles my mind sometimes. Honestly, this nasty negative monster sometimes takes over my body and I want to hide under a rock just to get some peace and quiet. And I hope that if Milo, Oliver, or Emil read this someday, they know how incredibly much I love them and would never trade them for anything in the world… but wow. Some days these three just never stop moving, screaming, yelling, and banging on stuff!


But there is something else that emerges. Within it all, I see them together. Not just as three little boys, but as three brothers who grow closer with every passing day and genuinely care about each other. At the Botanical Gardens just the other day, Milo suddenly stood between Oliver and another little boy and in true big brother form, hands on hips, chest puffed up, challenged: “Are you teasing my little BROTHER?!” I honestly don’t know what happened or didn’t happen, but let’s just say that was the end of it. Part of me wanted to laugh, part of me wanted to cry, and the other part just beamed with pride and affection for my loyal big boy. Seeing these two play and get into mischief and rough each other up and defend each other is more wonderful than I ever could have imagined. I am so glad they have each other, especially when their mama has had quite enough!














Wait til Emil can walk…

***all photos taken by Andrew***

9 thoughts on “Brothers 3”
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  1. Oh, Lauren! I know that rock you want to hide under…..

    And I am in awe of YOU! You are a wonderful, loving mom. Don’t doubt it for a second. Just look at those beautiful little faces and listen to what they say when they think you can’t hear them……They are loved.

    Being a mom is the hardest job around. No contest.

  2. I have no idea how you do it, or really any other parents who have kids so close in age. Mine are 6 years apart and I still feel like I’m getting my butt kicked every day. You are a badass for holding it all together.

    And I really love Emil’s skeptical face.

  3. Yes you are certainly the epitome of a positive and playful mom! And I am sure if Andrew’s mother had kept a daily journal that even she would have had hair pulling days, how could you not?! There are moments when I think one boy is a lot, so I am endlessly impressed by your ability to wrangle three and make it look like so much fun.

    They do look like they have a blast together and it’s so sweet. (love Milo’s tank too! :))

  4. Three boys is no joke. Well done you! I always felt that my siblings were one of the best gifts my parents could have ever given me, and it seems pretty clear that your boys already feel the same. All your hard work is definitely paying awesome dividends!

  5. I’m glad you made it! I know what you mean about the funk that we get in when overwhelmed and tired. Sometimes, it’s hard to crawl out but I think your attitude/blog/writing is so positive. So, thanks for that!!

    Also, where is Milo’s tank from? Love it! And my sweaty little man could use it.

  6. I don’t know that there is a day when I don’t feel at least once like burying my head in something soft. You are an amazing mommy *just looking at your blog!

    And the most beautiful sounds for me are when Mina makes Harrison laugh, and Harrison says his sister’s name…Mina noona (big sister in Korean).

  7. Having just finished a 4 day stint minus Jamie, I feel your pain. And I only have two, one of whom is a girl who does FAR less yelling, moving, and banging on stuff than any boy! At one point I thought all my troubles might be solved if I PINCHED one of the kids…crossed my mind for a second, but of course thought better of it! We are human, and we have these moments! You are THE best mom and I love you!!!!!!!!!

  8. Been there done that. We are all human. Every day I try to practice Scream Free parenting. Some days I am more successful than others. I had to laugh when I got a note from Nana Melink saying that she didn’t lose her mind until after the 5th kid. Four is plenty for me.

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