Weekend Shenanigans



This weekend was kind of a bust. Since Thursday morning I have felt like death warmed over, and it only seemed to get worse as the weekend carried on. Luckily Andrew took the boys all day Saturday and all morning Sunday so I could sleep and try to recuperate. I am scheduled for surgery tomorrow morning (nothing major, just to repair an umbilical hernia left-over from my pregnancy with Emil) unless a blood test/check-up this morning proves I am too sick for anesthesia. As much as I dread the surgery, what I dread more is putting it off any longer.

My anxiety about things that could go wrong have been dominating my thoughts lately– the what if’s and all the horror stories Andrew would bring home after researching patient safety years ago are on the forefront of my mind. And my disdain for hospitals… none of it helps. But I know it needs to be taken care of and I know it is a pretty straightforward procedure, so I’m trying trying trying to convince myself it is no big deal.





So, today, I really have nothing for you except these pictures from our weekend. And tomorrow, while I am under-the-knife (yikes!), I will schedule a few videos I took this weekend of the boys doing funny things. I will also be sure to have Andrew update the blog with the good news of my survival, ha, ha!



Happy Monday, and wish me luck (on the physical, as well as mental front)!

23 thoughts on “Weekend Shenanigans”
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  1. Feel better, Lauren!

    Sending love and positive energy your way.

    Wish I lived closer so I could say so in person while delivering something comforting to eat and watching the boys so you could rest.


  2. I will be thinking of you tomorrow! I would feel super stressed and anxious too, about something like this…especially when there are little ones at home, but I know you will do great! And, also, I am sending you much love and healing thoughts! You are a strong woman and Momma!

  3. Surgery and being sick is not a good week, I’m definately thinking of you and know it will all go perfectly and you’ll be healed up in no time. The anticipation is always the worst, so breath deep and try not to worry (easier said than done of course!). Hugs.

  4. Hope you feel better soon & everything goes well tomorrow. Being sick & recovering from surgery (no matter how minor) is tough with kids. I hope you have lots of help so you can make a speedy recovery!

  5. This week will be over and a memory before you know it and while you get back up to 100% rest assured Andrew will have everything under control. Take care of yourself first so that you can get back to being super-mama ASAP. Don’t worry, you had babies au naturale, you can certainly do this!

  6. Will be thinking of you today. We all went through the flu over the holidays at our house and I’m sorry to hear you are sick AND stressed! All will be well soon. Best of luck.

  7. You and I are quite the pair. I had the same fears and thoughts last week with my whole kidney stone fiasco. Nothing like a trip to the hospital to make you think about your own mortality.
    You’re going to be just awesome. Really. And afterwards you should come to Indiana and we can recuperate together in my living room while our kids run around like crazy chickens.

  8. Good luck with surgery. If you happen to see this comment post op, I love your tree stump. Is it seriously just a straight up chunk of tree? I think it is great.

  9. You’ll do just fine, little mama! You’ve always been a trooper through the tough times – and nothing has changed except for the fact that you’re even stronger!

  10. I’ll be keeping you in my thoughts. I know you will do wonderfully and be running around with those frisky boys of yours again in no time.

  11. Thanks, everyone, for the kind words of encouragement. The surgery is on for tomorrow and I’m trying really hard to think of the positives, like oh! I get to lie in bed all day and be unconscious! He he!

    And Rachel, yes, the tree stump is just that. If you do it at home, make sure you allow it to completely dry out before using it as a table (think 6 months to a year of somewhere dry and warm, like your basement or garage during summer).

  12. Emil is looking like quite the big kid…what happened?!

    Tomorrow will breeze by and at the end you’ll be glad to have yourself fixed up. A friend of ours had the same surgery and she seemed very grateful to have that all taken care of in the end.

    Try to take it easy for the week, lady! Sending all my good juju your way. Can’t wait to here news of your survival. 🙂

  13. Oh yum! That looks good too! I think the trick with the recipe I used may be the blender mixing? It was so light and fluffy. I love fruit pancakes of any kind. I’ll have to get some raspberries soon! <3

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