A Week in Pictures


This weekend marks the end of the boys’ spring break. We spent most of our days indoors, building forts, reading books, and sorting through items to purge for some serious spring cleaning. We had plenty of adventures to science centers and museums and squeezed in a few play dates, but I have to say that the highlight of the week was taking a long walk in the cold air with the sunshine on our faces, to the library and all around our neighborhood. There were many moments where I chanted to myself, spring will be here soon, the weather will be warm, we will spend all our days outdoors… as my mood continues to suffer from lack of sunshine and fresh air.

We partook in experiments (some failed, some successes!) and the boys planted a few seeds indoors in the sunniest spot in our house, and they check on their little seeds every few hours to see if anything has happened. DSC_0035

New camera strap came! I love it! 


Library books on gardens for kids- spring inspiration!


The best lemon cookies in the world (I only adapted this recipe by halving the glaze- they were so lemony and summery!)

Life with Emil has become challenging in a hilarious, throw-your-hands-up-in-the-air kind of way. He is full-fledged naughty-baby in every sense. He clears entire rows of books off shelves, throws everything in the trash, throws everything else in the toilet, breaks dishes, whacks his brothers in the head with any item he can get his hands on (then laughs about it while running away… dun dun dun dun dun – the sound of his little feet pounding the floor as he retreats in a frenzy of giggles, leaving older brothers crying and holding their heads). We have removed all the wooden eggs from their play kitchen for this very reason. And we remind the boys to close the bathroom door for heavens sake close the freakin’ bathroom door!!! but sometimes he finds a way in anyway…


And of course, amidst all of this he is the nighttime sleep-robber. And speaking of robbers, we had another unfortunate event at our house. Someone stole Andrew’s awesome bike from our front porch two nights ago. Oliver’s eyes grew wide when we told him, and after a few moments he said, “Papa, maybe a ROBBER took your bike!” Yessir, that kid is onto something.

We should have learned our lesson when our car was broken into a few months back, but I think we both wanted so badly to believe that we are safe, that people are good, and that no one is going to come all the way up onto our porch to thieve personal items from us. It sucks to realize we were so wrong. And having something that you really love (like a great bike) just taken right out from under your nose is such a bad feeling. Such a punch in the gut. Also kind of scary to realize we are not as safe as we wish to believe… there was an unsavory someone lurking on our porch, just feet away from the inside of our house where our children were sleeping. Not a good feeling. So, reality check, check.

But such is a life where we choose to live within walking distance to so much (including the metro). I would rather deal with the occasional theft than be completely isolated in the suburbs, having to drive everywhere to get anywhere. Trade off it is.

Weekend, bring us some goodness, please! Here are a few links for your Friday.

I can’t get this hotel photo out of my mind because… Andrew and I are going to Paris this summer!

Fawning all over Hannah Byun‘s style, wardrobe, and space.

Just got a baby fiddle leaf fig tree and I’m hoping one day it will look like this one!

Isn’t this image lovely?

I love this retro style bathing suit in modern colors! Not sure I could pull off the color blocking though… I actually have a pretty stumpy trunk, ha ha!

These flowers will forever remind me of my mama- when I was a little girl, I dug some up to give to her as a gift and walked a mile back home barefoot carrying them in my hands just like this!

Living with less in a small space.

And one last thing, I am thinking of my bestie Mary and her family, whose beloved doggie Bella died yesterday at 13 years of age. Rest well, sweet girl!

13 thoughts on “A Week in Pictures”
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  1. I think it’s good when some experiments fail; it wouldn’t really be an experiment if we already knew the outcome.
    And congrats about Paris; that will be so wonderful.

  2. Happy Friday! So excited to hear about your upcoming Paris trip – your photos will be amazing!! I am comforted to hear I’m not the only one with a toddler obsessed with throwing things into the toilet – my boy comes running when he hears that door open. We’re in trouble when he gets door handles figured out. 🙂

  3. Paris this summer?! How exciting! And that Emil…what a little imp!!!!! So sorry about Andrew’s bike…a real bummer. (And thanks for your thoughts about Bella. Feeling pretty sad around here this morning, and poor Ben is taking it really hard.)

  4. I’m so excited for you guys to go to Paris! How amazing. Dave and I were there 10 years ago (and I cannot believe it’s been that long!) and we had an amazing time.
    Sorry about the bike. We live in that type of neighborhood too — where things are close, the university is walking distance, but there is more crime like that. I wouldn’t trade it, either.

  5. Wow, baby boy! Hard to believe that sweet face could cause so much commotion. Sometimes I look at my baby girl and wonder how much grief she will cause me one day and it’s hard to believe she ever will. I guess I’m in for a surprise, huh?

    I have nightmares about someone breaking into my house, mostly, about Lotus being kidnapped and that is terrifying. I’m not sure how I would deal with thievery on my own property. I’m so sorry to hear that happened. That’s seriously a bummer. I hope that you are able to find some peace of mind regarding the whole matter. People in this world can be so nice, but so awful at the same time.

    Can’t wait for warmer months. I am so anxiously awaiting it!!

  6. Paris! Hurray, that will be so much fun. I love that city- just
    so beautiful.

    Sorry about the bike, I had mine stolen the first night that I moved to Cambridge and it really was a bad way to start my relationship with the city. Our current ‘hood is very safe, my stroller is always on the porch and no one ever bothers with it, but then I do hear isolated stories too which are always scary, and we can’t walk to all that much. We refuse to push any further out into the burbs for the reasons you mention, at least want the option of public transportation and being near our many childless friends… so tough to find that balance.

    Oh and I saw that apartment tour and was amazed by 500 square feet! That’s tiny- must be a great floor plan in addition to all of the wonderful decorating.

    Happy (warm!?) week-end.

  7. The big-person-entryway-hooks and little-person-entryway-hooks in the San Francisco apartment just SLAY me. That is just too adorable.

    People who steal bikes are the absolute worst!

  8. Those little white snowdrops in your little muddy hands are a memory I’ll never forget – it was heartbreakingly sweet to experience. I always think of you whenever I see them!
    So sorry about the theft of Andrew’s bike. I honestly don’t know how some people can sleep at night. Karma will get them…
    You are so lucky to be able to experience Paris with your true love, Andrew. I wish I could have gone along with your Dad when he took his class over there for study abroad. He said that it was the most romantic city in the world. Enjoy your time there, and you will always have the memories and the great experience with the one you love – so precious! Love you! Mom

  9. So sorry about Andrew’s bike! That really is sucky that we can’t live in perfect safety in our own homes.

    But OMG I am SO excited for you to go to PARIS!! One of my favorite places ever. I was lucky enough to spend my 30th birthday there oh so long ago – just me and G before kiddos. How long will you be there?


  10. We are going for a week in June, and it will be my first time. I’ve always dreamed of visiting! Plus, it’s so nice to be able to look forward to something that seems so extravagant!

  11. I am so bummed to hear about the stolen bike 🙁 But now I am also ECSTATIC to learn that you and Andrew are going to Paris this summer!!! YESSSS!!!! Dylan and I literally talk about that city like once a day. I am SO excited for you guys. Please go to Cafe Constant for dinner and get the Salade D’artichauts Et Champignons De Paris Sur Un Lit De Roquette Croquante 🙂

  12. a. Are you getting prettier? I think you are. HOW?
    b. Those cookies look amazing.
    c. I’m sorry your bike was stolen. We had a lot of theft when we lift in L.A. but the most disturbing was when we were robbed all the way out in sweet hillbilly NC. We ended up getting an alarm, which has been more affordable than I thought it would be, and makes me feel a lot safer when I’m by myself with the kids and we’re napping or something.

  13. YAY for Paris!! I lived there for 6 months (and Nice in the south of France, too!). My favorite city in the world. ENJOY! Stolen bike… Bummer. Sorry to hear that. Reminds me of scary drama in my Baltimore days. We live in a wonderful but crazy world, don’t we?

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