Weekend Shenanigans




Man, oh, man. I know I’ve said it before, but what a difference weather makes! Finally we experienced some nice cool days. The boys and I went it alone for most of the time- Andrew was out of town Friday and Saturday, then made it home just in time Saturday night for a neighborhood pizza party in the park before he headed back out to finish up his work in Columbia, MO early Sunday morning. Naturally we would have had more fun had he been able to join us, but we did some much-needed mama-son bonding anyway. We walked to a pancake breakfast at Winslow’s Home on Saturday morning, where we talked about the changing seasons and all the fun things fall brings and they were so well-behaved and patient for their food, two separate couples who had been eating near us come over to compliment them! Then on our way out, Emil stole a Hersey’s kiss from the candy bin and popped it into his mouth before I could stop him. Milo ran back inside to pay for it with his own money. Good heart. DSC_0007




Our garden is still going crazy with tomatoes and peppers, but the tomatoes are the kind I don’t feel compelled to give away- they have funny cracks and some have holes, so I have been keeping them on our windowsill in the hopes of more inspiration, but I’m thinking some sauce is inevitable. DSC_0038


We spent more time outside than in, only coming in to gather supplies, like water or food to be eaten at the playground, or mid-day for a couple of hours while Emil took a nap. I turned off our air-conditioning and opened every single window in the house that isn’t painted shut. The result was a very good night of sleep for most of us- the fresh cold air made us snuggle under our bigger blankets and the tip of my nose was like ice when I awoke Saturday morning. DSC_0069



But the lovely early fall weather warmed up just enough to shed our early morning layers and bask in the sun a bit. We got plenty of fresh air and exercise, and I stayed off the computer during the daytime hours. It was refreshing, really. DSC_0083



Also so great to catch up with a big group of neighbors and friends who kept me laughing and losing track of my children until it was growing late and little ones needed to be dragged home for a good scrubbing, then put to bed with limp little bodies happy with exhaustion. DSC_0140


DSC_0149Oliver wore and slept in his bat wings every day and night, insisting that I feed him pretend mosquitoes. He even convinced a neighbor to hang him upside down, yes he did. And today, back to school. I sure do love being a mama.

5 thoughts on “Weekend Shenanigans”
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  1. I truly don’t know how you handle three kids so often on your own. After a few days of watching two, I’m exhausted at the thought of a whole new work week where I’ll be solo for the most part. It looks like the perfect weekend 🙂

  2. Such a sign of good parenting that Milo would go pay for the chocolate.

    You always seem to make the most of your time with the three of them even when flying solo, very admirable.

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