Weekend Shenanigans






Spring! This weekend was full of the spring frenzy that accompanies warm weather. Though it rained on and off on Sunday, Saturday was a productive day. We managed an early morning out to breakfast and afterwards Andrew worked all day on replacing the garden fence that had been chewed through many times over by some hungry neighborhood rabbits over the past year. He replaced it with a stronger metal fencing this time that will surely hold up but did a number on him; he is all scratched up, poor guy! I joined in with some light yard work but was in tears (frustration, not pain) by the afternoon at how little I could do and how much I wanted and felt pulled to do. All the heavy pulling, lifting, heaving, dragging, etc. is still too much, but I managed to rake a lot of leaves out of the garden beds and shovel a bit of compost. Not much, but soon I will be there, doing the heavy lifting again. It’s infuriating, seriously! I miss being physical.

The good news? I am back to fightin’ weight thanks to that ice cream and all the good food our friends and neighbors have dropped off over the past month… Kim alone stocked us full of baked goods during that entire period! DSC_0016








Milo is proving to be quite the helper. He pulled staples out with pliers right alongside Andrew for a good part of the day on Saturday. It was great to have an extra pair of hands and he really enjoyed using real tools. DSC_0093Our garden will be coming along in no time- we are testing the soil, adding more compost and top soil, then building some raised beds for our carrots and beets. So ready to get those fresh veggies going again. Happy Monday!

6 thoughts on “Weekend Shenanigans”
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  1. So great to hear you’re doing better and so pretty in white 🙂 Soon, very soon you’ll be able to lift heavy things again and feel stronger than ever. The last picture though, is a riot, priceless!!

  2. Looks like you’re back to good shenanigans form. I’m happy that Milo has the chance to be a real little helper, that’s really good for a kid’s self-esteem, I think, being able to be part of a real project. What a lovely boy <3 ANd yes to weight gain with ice-cream.

  3. So happy to see you guys looking bright and up to your old tricks. Those blossoms are wonderful, and a little naked garden time is my favorite 🙂 Take it easy, it’s so tough but worth it in the end.

  4. Hey – I just coined this phrase for this middle part of our recoveries. “when not enough is still too much.”

    ARGHH. I keep thinking the feet are better, why is this not better?! But it’s not. It still sucks.

    I couldn’t even comment on the car seat barfing. That sent me over the edge, and it wasn’t even me cleaning out all those little crevices and the seatbelt material. Gross. I could smell your hands without even being there.

    Stop it with the raking! You’re like me with the laundry. I cannot sit there and watch it undone, even if it kills me in the process.

    Here’s to a better week 5, and an even better week 6!

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