Long Weekend Shenanigans


How was your Labor Day weekend? We had a really nice time, from a Friday night Ghost Walk with our hilarious friends Maggie and Alex (who are, by the way, quite possibly the best people to go out on the town with) to some lovely friends in our neighborhood inviting us to their family pool for the entire morning. On the same day we dragged the wagon to the playground for a neighborhood birthday celebration and dragged three very dirty, very tired, slightly sunburned little boys home for bed! DSC_0101DSC_0105

There were apple-cheddar hand pies and 31 pounds of apples juiced for our first batch of hard cider… and our fruit and vegetable drawers are stick chock full of apples! There was banjo playing and book reading, as well as plenty of garden and yard work. We got lettuces in the ground and began a major early fall clean-up. DSC_0112DSC_0054DSC_0177DSC_0141DSC_0150DSC_0152DSC_0154DSC_0156DSC_0166DSC_0128DSC_0132

We also have four big orange pumpkins growing and growing amidst the kale, tomatoes, beets, and carrots. I have no idea how to keep ’em coming til October! DSC_0134DSC_0140

Milo, Oliver, and Emil were hard at work all weekend too. They have started doing jobs around the house for extra money in addition to the few chores they are responsible for. And in the spirit of things, we encourage them to save up their money and to ask us for jobs if they want to earn extra. Now they ask for jobs several times a day and let’s just say their money pile grows while ours shrinks… even when only doling out 50 cents here and a dollar there… they are ambitious (especially Oliver)!

And speaking of Oliver, he has been fighting off quite a nasty cold so will likely be staying home from school an extra day, poor little guy. DSC_0180I hope your Tuesday is a beautiful one!

2 thoughts on “Long Weekend Shenanigans”
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  1. Swanky pool! I love friends with connections to swanky pools!

    Also, those hand pies look ridiculous. And I’m having a bit of deja vu here because I feel like you’ve made hand pies before and I’ve commented in the same way. I’m sort of a creature of habit like that.

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