
DSC_0010Emil is at the best age right now. Sometimes he says the funniest things:

One afternoon I found a chocolate bar in our pantry. I asked, “Who would like a little piece of chocolate?” Emil responded, “I do because I have a mouth!” Good point, my friend.

Emil often wears a superhero costume, like Captain America, out and about. But he doesn’t like people to notice it. So when someone says, “Hi Captain America!” He says, with a very serious face, “I’m not Captain America. I’m just EMIL. And I don’t like you.”

At nighttime, he sometimes gets out of bed, lies down next to his (doorknob-less) door, and whispers in a pathetic little voice under the door crack, “Papa, I need a hug. I just love you.” Gets him every time.

From the bath tub, “Mamaaaaa! I need more toys in here. Like a shark. And a cup. You’re welcome!”

There’s so much more. He is just the funniest little guy.

Hope you enjoy your weekend!

P.s. — Funny, the article I wrote for the Post made it (indirectly) to Good Morning America!

9 thoughts on “Emil-isms”
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  1. Love it! Such a cute character, and I agree, I often think I’m entitled to chocolate because I have a mouth 😉

    It’s so interesting to me that your article inspired debate over the general value of being a stay at home parent (which I didn’t read as the point). I think you’ve said that you always felt supported by your community in that decision, but I definately have gotten a lot of criticism, or just clueless condescension. It’s certainly something I think about often and there are obvious pros and cons, but I can’t understand why it’s such a divisive topic. And I wonder if you had written that article as a working mother with school age kids and talked about taking half a day off each week to do the same (be busy with a million tasks or just stare at a ceiling)… would that make those critics as angry? Is it just the notion of anyone affording themselves the luxury of a slow day that’s so infuriating? Or can working moms slow down now and again, but those who don’t directly get a paycheck need to be running in place at all times to earn their keep?

    I loved your article, but I found the discussion, and even the babble article and tv thing, frustrating in some ways… Even though it’s a flattering portrayal of the role of a stay-at-home parent, in my eyes it’s an antiquated one, and not at all the lense through which I view my own contribution. Anywho… certainly food for thought!

  2. Lilly, YES! I agree on so many levels. It’s all so interesting, and severely condescending and antiquated at times. I sometimes feel as if I am backpedaling with this whole thing. Not at all my intention to strike another Mommy Wars discussion! I honestly was just writing from my heart about the pressure I put on myself. But honestly, if it reaches a stay at home mom who is feeling a bit bruised and battered by the expectations and pressure, I am happy!

  3. Oh, yes- my littlest one (age 4) does not like to be noticed when dressed up. He’ll even tell us very sternly we are not to comment on him when he wears a costume- he can totally sense when people are reacting because they think he is being “cute” and he hates that! My daughter (now 13) was the same way. She taught me early on to not comment to other children if they have something noticeable going on (costume, shoes on wrong feet, etc.).
    I love 3s and 4s!

  4. Oh Emil, he is such a complicated guy! Agree with “have a mouth=get chocolate” also.

    On that note, I had to tear myself away from my bonbons and soaps to comment on Good Morning America…I get the vibe sometimes that we stay at home moms are justifying a 1950’s mentality to 1960’s women’s lib folks. I’d like to give credit to both camps in that life has become faster and busier and kids are doing more and people are working longer hours. I often feel my job really starts when the kids get home and the carpooling and homework and dinner making/cleaning up begins. Not to mention weeknd kid obligations and school volunteering. As you know, my husband works at least 80 hours a week including nights, weekends and holidays so if I don’t do stuff, some stuff doesn’t get done (except for pancakes, he does the pancakes).

    I applaud your thoughts and am glad another side of the story has been examined. Nothing is ever black and white.

  5. I am definitely one of those stay at home moms your article is relevant to and I felt comforted that I am not alone in my feelings. It definitely is frustrating to constantly have to validate your position but at the end of the day I know my contributions to the family and feel at ease with my role as SAHM. Love the Emil-isms! My youngest is about his age and OMG the things he says…I started making a list of everything because I honestly don’t know where he gets this stuff!!! Some recent gems:

    *points out that I have stockings on*
    “Why do your pants have socks? So you never forget your socks?”

    “I don’t like grizzle (he actually said grizzle, not grizzly) bears. Especially when they are grizzling around.”

    *pulls up tiny stool next to me”
    D: “Let’s talk, Mama”
    Me: “About what?”
    D: “About pythons.”

    Ah, <3

  6. Oh, Kay! What a hoot your little one is! I love “grizzle bears grizzling around.” I have a very clear picture in my mind of exactly what that is. Thanks for that! I just love this age!

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