Emil, 3 1/2


I started interviewing Milo and Oliver at semi-regular intervals and realized that three-and-a-half is a good time to start. So, behold: Emil at three-and-a-half. 

How old are you today?

Fweee! (three)

What’s your favorite color?

Black! I like to be black ranger! 

What is your favorite food?


Who is your best friend?

Milo is. 


What do you want to be when you grow up?

I want to be a superhero. I want to be Spiderman!

Where is your favorite place to go?

To the movies!

What is your favorite thing to do?

I yike to do puzzles! My fav-it thing to do is maps too. 


What is your favorite book?

Thomas the Train.

What does Papa do all day?

He just plays with a red gun all day long, shoot fire out, and that’s all. 

What does Mama do all day?

You play with a real snake! You play with a REAL snake, Mama!* 

What is your favorite song?

The Robot. 


Oh, Emil. We just love you to pieces.

*I do not play with a real snake all day. Or a fake one, for that matter.

9 thoughts on “Emil, 3 1/2”
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  1. This is awesome! And yeah, sure, keep telling us that. I trust Emil’s interpretation of your reality way more 😉

  2. He’s so adorable. I love that he’s into maps.

    Guns and snakes, huh? It sounds like you guys are Pentacostals in Alabama, or something. 😉

  3. Really, I have no idea where he comes up with this stuff. I think he’s very similar to the Anchorman character Brick — he just says random things and that’s his life.

  4. Camera loves this kid, eh? Also, kids are weird that’s what makes them so great. Do not take them voting with you, however. Or they will announce to the entire place that their mom voted for Dukakis!

  5. I just love you ( in a fellow mom blog follower way) wink. Your boys are just adorable and so photogenic. These questions and photo shoot have inspired me to do the same for my daughter. You are breath of fresher. Love your thoughtfulness.

  6. I have a ” yove you mama “and “yets play” ” yittle”
    Boy too !! Your little boy however thinks you both are the coolest grownups ever with that description of snakes and Fire guns;) so awesome.

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