Introducing Kids to Gardening


Despite a long and particularly snow laden winter for many parts of the country, warm weather is just around the corner. In many places, spring daffodils and crocuses have popped up out of the soil as the ground thaws and the sunshine warms the earth. It’s time to start thinking about that vegetable garden. 

Continue reading here for suggestions on how to introduce your child to gardening and why it’s important, as well as a list of our favorite gardening books for kids. Have a lovely Thursday! 

2 thoughts on “Introducing Kids to Gardening”
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  1. Dear Ms. Knight,

    My name is Alison Risso and I work with a nonprofit called REAL School Gardens. We build learning gardens in low-income schools and then spend years training the teachers how to use the gardens to produce academic results. Caught this piece in the Post and really liked it. If you’re interested in the benefits of school gardens, or would like to see us in action training teachers or building a garden, we’d love to have you join us.


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