Milo, 8 1/2


Milo is eight-and-a-half. This age slays me — he has entered the magical time of a child’s life where everything, every single bit of knowledge, is thirsted for with a passion and energy unmatched since toddlerhood. He wants to know everything, every detail, whether it is about the universe (the discussion about the recent discovery of gravitational waves seemed somehow within the realm of possibilities, even though my mind cannot begin to grasp the concept…)  or a historical event, or the nuances of a joke (more on that below). It is an absolute pleasure to be around him, and I find myself truly curious along with him. It’s as though I am experiencing my own childhood for a second time right along with him. Memories about this age come flooding back, and suddenly I’m sharing much of my life and observations with him. I feel like we are bonding in new ways, and I am so proud of who he is and who he is becoming.


I think what’s most fun about this age is Milo’s development of a sense of humor, and his attempt to understand what makes a joke or scenario funny. His laughter is certainly contagious, and his youngest brother Emil is (and has always been) the main source of comedy. Emil can make Milo split a gut at any hour of the day, over any number of reasons. Most recently, it has to do with his imitation of this old Saturday Night Live skit: Grimaldi Classic Creations — do you remember seeing it? There’s a lot of that lovely noise going on in our house these days…


Last weekend, I spent the whole afternoon with Milo while Andrew took Emil and Oliver to circus class. It was about 7 degrees outside, but Milo and I decided on a long walk to the Loop. We brought backpacks full of library books that needed to be returned, and went all the way to Blueprint Coffee for hot chocolate and a quick warm-up. We were bundled up, but it was so cold that my thighs and cheeks and lips were completely numb despite being covered. But this kid complained not once. It was so great to walk with him, talk, laugh, discuss all sorts of things, and enjoy the afternoon.

After that, we stopped by a candy store to surprise his brothers with some Harry Potter chocolate frogs and Bertie Bott’s Every Flavor Beans (this was upon recommendation from Cousin Reina, who is also a big Harry Potter fan). I tried the “grass” flavored bean, but drew the line when I saw vomit, earwax, soap, and rotten egg flavors. Of course, all three dared each other to try them and went running for the trash can immediately after. Reports are that they are very realistic and that the vomit flavored one is the worst. Ha! DSC_0017DSC_0020

The last stop was the library, where Milo got lost in a book for an hour while I picked up some good music and some books for Emil and Oliver. We carried home quite a heavy load, but enjoyed every minute of it. I came in from the cold feeling my heart so full of love for this boy. He is just a light in my life. DSC_0012

Happy eight-and-a-half, Milo. You are so loved.

2 thoughts on “Milo, 8 1/2”
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  1. I can’t believe how grown up he is! Always a gorgeous and smart boy (in my view, from afar :)). I think back to the video from ? ago, where he’s instructing on buttoning a shirt, and feel like that’s the perfect temperament for an oldest child. It’s been a treat to get to watch him, and the rest of the crew, grow!

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