One Unhappy Bum

Last night and today have been rough for little Milo. He had a reaction to the vaccines he received yesterday, and had a fever of 100.6 last night. Poor little guy just couldn’t get comfortable. He’s been very fussy today, too, but at least his fever went down. I’ve never seen him so unhappy and it broke my heart! I am not looking forward to all of the days and nights I know we will spend cleaning up vomit and who knows what else… but I know they are coming. I have a new respect for parents everywhere!

1 thought on “One Unhappy Bum”
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  1. Lauren,
    You are right – this is just the beginning. You started out being a real nurturer with your brother – (with the exception of the rollerskate-to-skull incident)! HA! HA! You’ll do just fine!

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