How old are you today? Four and three quarters.
Did you have a nice day at school today? Yes. I scooped some sand up in my Croc! And, um, played on the climber a lot. THERE’S A NEW TRICK I CAN DO!
Really? What is it? Well, it’s pretty scary. I balance my way on a circulated (?) pole, and my arms are really long and that’s good because otherwise I couldn’t do this trick. I kneel on the bar, swing down, and it’s pretty scary. See? I got a bruise and it’s not too big. (points to a small bruise on his shin)
What is your favorite food? Carrots, apples. Vegetables and quinoa and rice and fruit. All those are my favorite things.
Who is your best friend? Max Teddy Eileen Lucinda Rachel and Ben and Matthew and Wilson. Those are all the people who are my friends. And Milo, myself.
What’s your favorite thing to do? Drawing and activities and going to the Magic House, the Science Center, and the City Museum. All the cool places to go.
What’s your favorite thing about Oliver? Playing guns with Oliver.
What’s your favorite book? Where’s Waldo.
What’s your favorite thing about Papa? He’s on my team. He lets me go to fun places too.
What’s your favorite thing about Emil? When he laughs. I’m so good at making him laugh.
What’s your favorite thing about Mama? Going on the train with you.
What do you want to be when you grow up? A sea diver and a space man. Also a scientist. I want to be all the things in the world.
How old will you be when you decide to move out? Sixteen.
How old do you need to be to get married? Sixteen.
What’s the meaning of life? Booty. No, seriously, Milo. What’s the meaning of life? Booty (giggles).
And that about sums it up.
Oh! And today is Milo’s last day of school before summer. I have so many fun things planned for these boys it will make their heads spin. Yay!
What are your plans for the weekend? I have a to-do list about a mile long, but am most excited about getting a long-overdue haircut (and color?) tomorrow and friends coming over for a cookout on Sunday. Also, hoping for a little rest after an entire week of crappy sleep. Oh, sleep. I miss you. Please come back to me.
Love it! So silly and smart at once. Does he mean booty like the snack, the treasure, or um… booty!? He may be way ahead of the game 🙂
We are finally getting some great weather and soaking it up… hopefully I will be sleeping well with all this sun. Happy weekend!
Ha, ha! I have no idea. I think he means booty as in, butt. Because everything is funnier with a butt joke.
What a thoughtful, imaginative little boy — and handsome, too. When he’s 16, I’ll have a nice 14-year-old girl to set him up with (if he’s not already taken). I think we could plan an awesome wedding 🙂
Question: Can you share the fun things you have planned this summer? We’re heading into a similar school-free time, and I’m very, very eager for suggestions.
Happy weekend! xxx
Sounds like Milo’s got life pretty well figured out. Love him.
I just LOVE Q&A with kids.. it’s so priceless. “And Milo, myself.” — already one of his own best friends! He is wise beyond his 4.75 years 😉