Interview with Milo, 6 1/2



How old are you today? I’m six.

What did you do today? I jumped on a trampoline and flipped over, and I also did something called an airplane crash where I jumped really high and then BAM! I crashed down. I also went to the ice festibal today (festival).

Tell me, who are your favorite people to spend time with? Malaki, Cora, Max, and Olivia

What is your favorite food? Peanut butter and JELLY! I have it every day.




What is your favorite thing to do? Do some flips at circus class on the trapeze.

What is your favorite thing about Oliver? Emil?  Dance-fighting with Oliver. Running and chasing Emil. I also like when he copies me.

Favorite book? I like Oliver Jeffers books.

Favorite song? Well I have three favorite songs. They are Black Horse, Roar, and Wide Awake (all Katy Perry songs)

What do you want to be when you grow up? I would like to be a scientist. Solar science, actually. And how things work.



How old will you be when you move out on your own? Um…. probably 17. Actually, no, not 17. Um… I’m going to be… 31 when I move out. Actually 39, yep. 39. Then I will have alllllll the time with you (strokes mama’s shoulder). 

How old do you need to be to get married? Um… 41. But Papa and I are married, and we’re younger than that! I know, but I just want to be older than that.

Do you think you will ever get married? Why? Nope. I don’t want to get married. I just don’t.DSC_0219

What, wise Milo, is the meaning of life?  What does that mean? Well, why do you think we’re here on Earth? Because there is no oxygen in space. Everyone knows that. Because if you didn’t know that, you’d go into space with no helmet on and then *ACHkkkkk!* (holds his throat, choking) you’d die. No oxygen. DSC_0220

*See how Milo’s answers differed two years ago here

10 thoughts on “Interview with Milo, 6 1/2”
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  1. Ok, that is THE best answer to the question for the meaning of life I have ever heard! (Although “Booty” was nice, too…) Can I copy that for whenever somebody brings that topic up? “Why do you think we are here on earth? “Well, duh, because we’d die in space…?!”
    I love your boy’s thinking, he is a really great guy!

  2. hahaha, dance-fighting!! my kids do that all the time, they turn up Pandora on our tv and duke it out. and wow, he is such an acrobat!!

  3. Just found your blog and it’s adorable! I love all of your fashion posts! All of your outfits are beautiful. Question on your favorite cardigan…from asos but sold
    out 🙁 I love it and was wondering what the brand is? Thank you and I look forward to exploring more of your blog!!!

  4. Thank you, Jessica! What a kind thing to say! And the cardigan is Brochu Walker. I am actually wearing it right now! I will let you know if I can find it in stock anywhere!

  5. That kid can jump! I love all of his answers, and that he went from married at 16 to 41… or possibly never 🙂 What a difference a year can make.

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