Weekend Shenanigans




This weekend was a mix of spring fever and real fever (poor Oliver). We started off strong, enjoying the fresh air and noticing that everything, indoors and out, is trying to sprout and green up and reach for the sun. It was warm enough to crack the windows upstairs during the afternoon, letting some much-needed fresh air into the house.

I enjoyed time out with girlfriends on Friday night after the kids were in bed — we ended up talking for hours and not realizing the time, being jolted back to reality by the “last call for food” announcement from the bartender. It was close to midnight when I returned, creeping into the house on tiptoes only to find Andrew and a friend by the fire enjoying some guy time. And then of course a late night turned into an even later one as I joined them for a bit. It is so nice to have a wide array of friends who fit different niches in our lives. All of them important in their own rights.

Andrew had his guitar practically attached to his body this whole weekend, which was so nice to see. I know how much joy he gets out of playing, and sometimes he isn’t able to find the time.



Saturday was chock full of plans. We hustled around a bit to accommodate it all, looking forward especially to the evening when our dear friends joined us at our house for a dinner of barbecue ribs, this macaroni and cheese, and this kale salad. All the food turned out great; such comfort food is sometimes necessary! DSC_0104DSC_0106DSC_0113DSC_0119

Ingrid tried to juggle (pretty well, actually!), Brent and Emil had several special moments, Georgia, Eliza, and Milo formed a pyramid in the living room, and Oliver developed a high fever toward the end of the night. He was in rough shape the next day with a fever and cough, so the germ machine strikes again, aaaahhh! So tired of illnesses sweeping through our house, but hoping this is the end of it.

DSC_0128DSC_0138Hope you are having a wonderful Monday and that sunshine finds you!

3 thoughts on “Weekend Shenanigans”
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  1. Hi!,
    I’m a new reader of your blog and I love it… I came across it because of your post about letting kids take risks (which by the way has prompted me to get the same tools for my kids….)… such a wonderful post and I’m consciously trying to step back a little now… I live in Ireland and I’m a mama to two boys (the eldest of which is called Oliver, but he gets Ollie for short)… it’s lovely to meet you!

    Emma @ Outmumbered

  2. Sounds like a weekend of more highs than lows. You guys seem to have a great group of friends easily accessible, really lovely.

    Sorry that O was ill again (I am kind of afraid to type that we’ve avoided all but sniffles this year… Because I’m sure there is still time!).

    Love your braids, wish I could work out how to do some in my hair. I’ve tried every tutorial, and I guess I am just going to add hair (along with throwing a frisbee and parallel parking), to the list of skills that elude me.

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