Light and Movement


Something about the light, but more about the jumping jubilant children, draws me to them, makes me grab the camera and nearly run to them to be a part of it. It’s the way I know how to interact, though film and smiles, becoming a fly on the wall as they largely ignore my presence. I remember doing the same to my father, who was always crouching behind his camera during times like these.


Fairly recently, before the weather turned warm, the boys begged me to bring the extra mattress we keep in our basement for guests up to the spare bedroom so they could jump and do tricks, practice their tumbling and wrestling moves. I barely hesitated before saying yes, knowing how badly their little boy bodies need to move and work and sweat. It was hilarious and awe-inspiring to watch them fly through the air, confident and brave.

I’m so grateful to be a part of these moments, and happy all over again to review them in pictures later. These boys are such a special, magical part of my life. I feel so lucky. DSC_0082DSC_0219DSC_0041DSC_0059DSC_0121DSC_0176

And looking at these pictures makes me reflect in our relative good health this past winter, as all of us are fighting off a very nasty sickness (Oliver especially). I can’t wait to see him jumping and happy again as opposed to lethargic and feverish and teary-eyed. Poor guy.

5 thoughts on “Light and Movement”
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  1. Wishing you good health! There is nothing quite like virus after virus when it sweeps through a house. Also, is it me, or is the very first picture the spitting image of Oliver as ANDREW?

  2. Oh my gosh…these pictures. The ones with the umbrellas or the hands to the face. These are more than wonderful.
    Yesterday my boys pulled out the mattress on the daybed to jump on to it, over and over again. Having grown up in a house of mostly girls, it’s so beautiful to watch the way little boys play and interact. You capture it so well.

  3. I feel like your at my house! My boys do the exact same and there is noise and chaos and messed up rooms but I wouldn’t have it any other way. They need to expend their energy or they go stir crazy! 🙂 Have a great week!

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