Weekend Shenanigans


Oh, how much fun good friends bring on the weekends! I’m not going to lie, going into the weekend I was pretty tired. Andrew has been traveling like a maniac, and I was determined to do too much over the course of two days (clean the entire house, mow the lawn, get miscelaneous yard work done, get groceries, do laundry, prep food for a dinner party with friends, all while watching three boys on not enough sleep). But I did it, happy to cross off item after item on the list sitting on the kitchen counter… just in time for Andrew to walk in (just as exhausted, I’ll add) from his trip only two hours before our friends arrived.  And while it was crazy, all the hard work meant that the rest of the weekend was easy breezy and spent focusing on family time.

We kept the food nice and light — watermelon mint feta salad (thanks, Nora!); roasted asparagus with red bell pepper sauce; grilled portabella mushroom skewers; kale caesar salad; and steak kebabs with more veggies! I must say, despite eating a lot of food, all the veggies were so refreshing and I didn’t feel all weighed down the next day from a big feast (hmmm… seems like the lack of bread or pasta may have had something to do with that?). DSC_0754

The kids had a blast and as a result, we ended up staying up way too late of course, but so much laughter and silliness and shenanigans made it all well worth it. We just adore you, JJ & Elisha!

And this guy:DSC_0735

Geez, he is so handsome! I still get all wobbly inside when I see him.

Also, he spent the entire afternoon Sunday in the hot sun carting wheelbarrow after wheelbarrow of mulch into our back yard. Whew! Day of rest, not so much. DSC_0759DSC_0910Andrew brought back gifts from New Orleans for the kids, including the above mask Milo was so thrilled to model (actually he was just really exhausted — it was his idea to take the picture!). Ah, weekends.

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