
Books, by lauren, May 3, 2016, 1 Reply

Vitamin N, by Richard Louv What greater week to introduce Louv’s newest book than screen-free week! I found Louv’s Last Child in the Woods completely life-changing and inspiring as a parent, and was thrilled to find out, when writing this article for the Post, that he had written a book entirely dedicated to ideas, advice, projects, and activities to get … Continue reading “Reading…”

Screen-Free Week!

Green Living, by lauren, May 2, 2016, 3 Replies

Holy moly, it’s May! This week marks Screen-Free Week, a time when communities (and particularly their children) around the world unplug together and reconnect with the world around them. We did this last year and it was a great success. Though, I must admit, not much of a difference from the daily lives for our kids, who … Continue reading “Screen-Free Week!”


Green Living, by lauren, April 8, 2016, 1 Reply

Early last summer, Milo begged and begged us to let him get a pet. While the true wish was for a rabbit, we decided that would be unwise, given the track record of our Jack Russell Terrier (who has murdered countless squirrels, rabbits, birds, moles, mice, etc. in her 14 years. Gruesome, I know). We … Continue reading “Toads”